Friday, July 20, 2007

My Last Day of Unemployment

So, today is my last day of freedom before I start my new job at Kings College London as an Event Coordinator in their Conference and Vacation Bureau. And last night I was getting giddy thinking of all the things I could do to encapsulate freedom, laziness and summer into one delightful day of no responsibility. About 4 am, I am woken up to the sound of steady rain. Curses! This morning, Paul eats his cereal and watches the news and comes upstairs to tell me that we're expecting rainfall all day. Double curses! Looks like I get 1 out of 3 of my delightful day. Laziness. And while I'm enjoying this, having a late cup of tea, reading up on the Harry Potter parties (trying to make an informed decision on which to attend), and painting my eyes as black as they will go (an homage to my wizarded friend and his world), I notice a leak in the hall. A long strip of leak. Thrice with the curses! After speaking to the rental agency man who incidentally referred to Iranians, Iraqis and the Portugese as Mesopotamia peoples, being advised to use 'primitive' methods (i.e., lay down pots) and learning that in England, roof shingles are piles, I finally have a chance to finish my cup of tea. And it's cold. Not enough curses! Accio a new day! Or magic me some chocolate and beloved friends...

P.S. If you were queasy at the Blair Witch Project, maybe you should skip my hand-held camera technique!

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