Friday, July 06, 2007

I am a nerd, ask me how:

The Book of Lost Things-John Connolly
Just finished this book! It was fascinating, although sometimes the 'morals' became a bit too anvil-shaped. But a wonderfully imaginative book that reminds you how much you have always loved stories...although, be forewarned, the book is not as thick as you think! The last 100 pages are 'Notes'--which sounds like a good thing, but actually made me miss out on the impact of the book's climactic scene, thinking there was WAY more story to go! If you're a nerd like me, you'll know what I'm talking about!
Passion-Jude Morgan
Have only read the first couple pages and I'm already excited. It's a book written by a man about strong, passionate women that seems really empathetic and real--rather than clueless and condescending! Already a treat. Anyway, sounds like a romance novel, but follows the lives of the women that inspired some of the most well-known Romantic poets, Shelley, Byron, etc. Can't wait til it gets juicy.
French Lieutenant's Woman-John Fowles
Yes, I've never gotten around to reading this classic. But here I am, my 27th year sighing its last and reading this pseudo-Victorian book. Anyway, it's hinted at a lot of heated tragic business, but not just there yet. Again, enjoying the way women are fleshed out.
My Dirty Little Book of Stolen Time-Liz Jensen
Okay. By far the most entertaining book I have read in a while. And by entertaining, I mean lively, conversational and clever! The heroine is just too much and you love her to bits. Might be too much for those of us who like our books to be mildly stimulating. (p.s. Aimos, you need to read it!)
The God of Small Things-Arundhati Roy
Just read the first paragraph. Syntactically, a thing of beauty all throughout. Warning though, this will haunt you. Gorgeous but haunting.

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