Do you know what's most unusual about this photo? Besides the gorgeous indigo morning sky enveloping the cool white of the snow? There are no buses. No cars. No commuters hustling on their own two feet to get to work. A quick confirmation with the Transport for London website and yes, it's what we suspected. All bus services have been suspended and our tube line out for the count. I was told this is what we call a snow day. A snow day! No, Monday; hello, Snowday!
This is nearly worth the whole winter!

For the first time ever, I was dressed and out of the house by 8am without having to go to work, take an exam, catch a flight or a train. Naturally, hubbs was surprised and amazed.
Wandering around, looking for an open Starbucks, London was transformed. The smallest details were suddenly aglow with magic. The trees, fences, churches, cars--all made beautiful.
Still, admiring the scenery is not quite an invitation for a snowball fight. Or so I would have assumed. I should have remembered what they say about assuming and you and me.